Further Training
In this programme, the International Vojta Society will introduce its further training events for Vojta therapists and doctors in 2016.
Participation in the following further training sessions is open to anyone who has completed a Vojta therapy course. Participation in the Vojta diagnostic courses is exclusively restricted to doctors.
Further training sessions are run by the International Vojta Society in association with different cooperation partners.
They should act as a refresher for content already given in Vojta therapy courses, deal with issues that were not conclusively dealt with in the therapy courses in more depth, and also demonstrate to participants changes and updates in Vojta therapy. As well as the theoretical units, the practical use of reflex locomotion is emphasised.
The existing timetable for the current Vojta refresher courses and Vojta workshops may be added to according to the wishes and suggestions of the participants, so that there is scope for individual design.
Moreover, every participant may introduce their own patients into the relevant events, in order to receive further suggestions on conducting therapy.
You can obtain the complete conditions of participation when you register for a Vojta further training session.
Thank you for your interest in our events and much success with your training!
The Board of the International Vojta Society